Wednesday 1 December 2010

Five Female Stereotypes in Advertising

ADVERT A: ‘The Alpha Female’
I think Advert A’s female stereotype is ‘The Alpha Female’. I think this because the woman in the still image is wearing glasses suggesting that she is intelligent, and seems to be concentrated on her work as her face is looking down, maybe at some work. Her facial expression looks serious suggesting that she is quite powerful and focused only on her work. There are books in the background which tells you that the woman may be in a work environment, such as a library.
ADVERT B: ‘The Beauty Bunny’
I think Advert B’s female stereotype is ‘The Beauty Bunny’. I think this because the still image is advertising a beauty product. The product is being advertised by a young woman who happens to be a celebrity; it shows her putting on the make-up product (in this advert, mascara) in the background and then her with the make-up on in the foreground. The woman has flawless skin, lush hair, and great long eyelashes. The company made her have these features so that young women watching the advert would think buying the product would make them look as flawless as her. 
ADVERT C: ‘The Fashionista’
This advert represents ‘The Fashionista’. I think this because the woman in the still image is wearing a trench coat showing that she wears and owns high top fashion. She looks like a person that wants to know about the new brands of clothes, shoes, bags and lip colour which fits right in with this stereotype. She is in a relaxed sitting position, looking at the camera in a serious but clueless way; by this, no personality shows through suggesting she has no personality. The woman in the image, known to be Kate Moss (a very famous model) has her left leg over her right leg suggesting that she is trying to look good for the camera and not herself. She is portrayed as someone who only cares about the way she looks off and on camera.
ADVERT D: ‘The Perfect Mum’
This advert represents ‘The Perfect Mum’. I think this because the woman or mother in the still image is being pushed in a pram by a baby. She seems to be having fun playing around with the baby as her legs and hands are up in the air, and her facial expression seems to be a cross between surprised and happy. As the advert only shows the mum and the baby with a plain background; it shows that the mum does not focus on anything but being a mum and caring for her children. The woman’s clothes are basic and plain telling you that she doesn’t care whether what she is wearing is ‘sexy’ or trendy – all she cares about is being ‘the perfect mum’.
ADVERT E: ‘The Granny’
This advert represents ‘The Granny’. I think this because the woman in the still image is quite old. I know this because she has white hair, a few wrinkles upon her face and is wearing an old fashioned shirt. The elderly woman is holding a life insurance certificate and smiling suggesting that she is happy because she is covered for the rest of her life, which probably will be in a few years. Using elderly people in life insurance advertisements is a great way to advertise the product as they are near to their death themselves so their facial expressions are real, which is quite effective as elderly people watching the advert would want to be as happy as the people in the advertisements.

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