Friday 3 December 2010

              Advertising – Introduction
1) What is the purpose of advertising?
The purpose of advertising is to actual advertise and promote a product to the public whether it’s through Television, Radio, Leaflets, Posters, Internet, Newspapers and Magazines. The purpose of advertising is to sell, and gain the public’s interest.
2) Name 2 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?
Two recent adverts that have interested me are:
1. Yeo Valley
This advert grabbed my attention because its unique, as the two people that are in the advert are rapping – something I have not heard before in an advert. I’m not quite keen in the product as it is advertising milk (not such a fan of milk) but I like the style of the actual advert.
2) Ferrero Rocher
This advert grabbed my attention because I generally love this chocolate product. After seeing the advert below I loved the product even more because the advert was so different and interesting, and caught my eye. I like the way the advert advertises the chocolate as it makes the chocolate seem quite powerful and ‘godly’.

3) Did you purchase the product? If not, have you ever bought a product because you have seen the advert?

I have never purchased a product because I have seen the advert.

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