Friday 3 December 2010

Analysing a Print Advertisement
Lesson Aims: Using the worksheet provided carry out an analysis of a perfume advert.
The type of product I am analysing is a female perfume.
The target audience for this product is aimed at young teenagers aged 12 - 18. The need from Maslow’s theory that is being targeted is Esteem products.
There is no actual setting to this advertisement as it has more of a show stopping lightened background. The colours used are pink and black. The pink represents the feminine side of the advertisement and the black parts bring an edge to the product, so it’s not all feminine. There is a spotlight on Avril Lavigne and some light on the perfume suggesting that the audience should only focus on her and the product, also the lighting looks artificial and the colours look touched. The stars in the background appeal to the target audience as the stars are ‘fun’ shapes which will get their attention. Avril Lavigne is wearing a pink, puffy, short dress which will also appeal to the target audience as it is probably something that they would wear. Avril is facing the front and seems to be looking straight ahead; this implies that she may be looking at the audience to tell them to buy the product as her eyes look sharp and focused. The phrase, be your own star is quite effective as it suggests that teenagers should be their own person and have their own unique style which gives off a good impression of the actual product and Avril Lavigne.

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